Vancouver Island Motorsport Circuit Donates Event Tent to BBBSCV




This summer, Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Cowichan Valley (BBBSCV) will have it made in the shade thanks to the Vancouver Island Motorsport Circuit. This week, the Circuit donated a branded event tent to BBBSCV, a contribution that will enable the charity to be more visible and recognizable at public events – which BBBSCV staff hope will help recruit new volunteer mentors to the program.

“The number of vulnerable children needing mentors is rising in the Cowichan Valley,” says BBBSCV Executive Director Erin Generous. “The continuing childhood vulnerability crisis in the CVRD means that more and more children are registering with our program – prompting the need for more mentors. For example, right now there is a particularly urgent call for male mentors.”

To meet the growing need for volunteers, BBBSCV is spending a lot of time out-and-about in the CVRD – hosting information sessions, attending fairs/festivals/markets, and generally raising the profile of Big Brothers Big Sisters in the community. The charity is working hard to attract and enroll more mentors in the hopes of reducing the number of children currently on the waitlist for a Big Brother/Big Sister. The new event tent, donated by the Circuit, will assist these efforts and help BBBSCV put their best foot forward coming into National Big Brothers Big Sisters Month (September) and the “30 Mentors in 30 Days” campaign (October).

“We are very thankful to the Vancouver Island Motorsport Circuit for this contribution,” says Generous. “We think this new tent will be a great asset for our upcoming outreach activities and for years to come.”

“The Motorsport Circuit is proud to support Big Brothers Big Sisters and their valuable work in the Cowichan Valley.  We are very fortunate to employ staff, mentored as youths through the program, so we see first-hand the benefit to the local community.  Thank you to Erin Generous and her team.”  Paul Rossmo (General Manager)

BBBSCV can be found under the new royal purple tent at the Duncan Farmer’s Market to Celebrate mentoring with our In School Mentoring partner  Island Savings (September 15th) as well as the One World Festival (September 22, Duncan). BBBSCV will also be hosting information sessions at their downtown Duncan location on Thursday September 13, 10 am (at Volunteer Cowichan-this session only), Monday September 24th 10am, Thursday October 11, 6pm and Monday October 22 10am (call 250-748-2447 or email for more details).